UV-systems from SABRE

UV-ligh is a common solution within the minicipal water sector to eliminate parasites, bacterias and virus. Short wave UVC damage the reproduction capabilty of the micro organisms and thus reduce the growth. 

A pre-filter is recommende as the UVC efficiency is reduced if the water is not clear/ free from dirt.  Ramson can offer SABRE UV-systems that are vailable in different sizes and thus suitable for house holds as well as industrial applications.







About Ramson AB

Ramson is a company that develops, designs and manufactures filtration systems. Our products can be found in a great variation of industries; mining, steel, energy, enviroment, paper, navy, pharmaceutical and food, just to mention a few.

Contact us

Drakvägen 6, SE-591 32 MOTALA
Telephone +46 141-572 50   |   Fax +46 141-575 60
E-mail info@ramson.se

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